This E-book is going to help you with:

  • Methods

    We highlight different methods and when to apply each method

  • Customization

    Customize your phone settings to fit it to YOUR needs

  • Practical tips

    How to improve your typing over time, by a few simple pieces of advise

  • Advanced Tools

    We will give you advise about advanced techniques and tools

What Will You Learn?

  • How to set up your phone so it works for youm not the other way around.
  • When to use which tool, based on the situation you are in.
  • How to type 2x faster with hardly any effort.

What are people saying?

  • This e-book is very helpfull!

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About the Author: Freek is the founder of Hable, a company dedicated to making technology accessible for people with visual impairments. His passion for accessible technology led to the creation of the Hable One, a device designed to improve smartphone use for this community. With a background in engineering and extensive experience collaborating with visually impaired individuals, Freek has developed practical solutions that address everyday challenges faced by those who struggle with traditional technology interfaces. This e-book is a compilation of his experiences and insights, offering tips and tools to help readers type more efficiently on their smartphones.