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Written by
Ayushman Talwar
Ayushman Talwar

Hable Reached the United Nations To Advocate For Visually Impaired Community!

We've reached out to the United Nations!

Hey there, Hable community! Today, I'm thrilled to share some big news that's close to our hearts. We're taking a bold step forward in our mission for digital accessibility and inclusion – we've reached out to the United Nations!

Building Hable Together

We believe in building Hable not just FOR you, but WITH you. That's why we're bringing you into the loop about our latest endeavor. It's a significant move – we're advocating for accessible smartphone apps at a global level. Why? Because we know the impact that accessible tech can have on everyday lives.

The Essence of Our Appeal

Our appeal to the United Nations isn't just a formality. It's a powerful statement about our commitment. We're pledging to invest in digital accessibility education and smartphone training. This isn't just about Hable; it's about setting a new standard for digital inclusion worldwide.

Amplifying Our Voice for Inclusion

Our goal? To have our voices heard. We're not just a brand; we're a movement. A movement that champions digital wellbeing and inclusion for everyone. This step is about amplifying our message and ensuring that digital accessibility is a priority on a global scale.

Zero Project Award 2024 - Austria

We are proud to be a Zero Project Awardee 2024! Our assistive device Hable One has been selected by an international peer-review board in a multi-stage process. We have been selected among 523 nominations from 97 countries for our innovation, impact, and scalability Zero Barriers #ZeroBarriers.

Zero project award winner hable and the zero project's symbol

Beyond Hable One - A Broader Vision

Sure, the Hable One controller is our pride and joy, but our ambition stretches far beyond that. We're imagining a world where technology is universally accessible. A world where everyone can navigate the digital space as easily as turning a page in a book.

The Importance of Digital Participation

Participating in the digital world is more than convenience; it's a gateway to endless opportunities. It's about empowering everyone to explore, learn, and connect. That's the future we're striving for – a future where digital doors are open to all.

Our journey at Hable has always been fueled by a desire to make a difference. This appeal to the United Nations is a leap towards realizing our vision of a barrier-free digital world. It's about creating a future where technology inclusion isn't just an aspiration but a reality.

As seen in
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Ayushman Talwar
Ayushman Talwar
CEO, Co-Founder

A passionate advocate and innovator in the space of accessibility and assistive technologies.